Social Hall Rentals
Please check calendar on main page for available dates.
Bookings for 2025 are well underway! Fill out the form below to save your space!
Please contact the office to arrange a time to see rental space.
$1,455.00 + GST for 265 Capacities (Includes 2 Bartenders & 1 Bar)
$1,985.00 + GST for 402 Capacities (Includes 3 Bartenders & 2 Bars)
Deposits Required:
$500.00 for Damage Deposit (postdated cheque)
$300.00 + GST = $315.00 to reserve the hall. This is non–refundable if you cancel the date reserved.
Included: Pop (Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, 7 – Up and Ginger Ale), Ice, cups, table/chair set up.
Prime dates may be limited to full-capacity socials only. SRA may charge a premium for prime dates or extended permit times. Further information: 204 257-6171 ext 200 or email our Office Administrator
Please note that the renter is responsible for – Additional mix/garnishes (ex. Orange Juice, Clamato Juice, Cranberry Juice, Tonic Water, Club Soda, Lemons/ Limes, etc) and late night snack. Utensils/Plates/Cutlery are not provided. If serving shooters renter must provide disposable shooter cups.
Alcohol delivery must be scheduled to arrive at 3pm on Saturdays or 5pm on Fridays in order to meet with bartender and review. Beer must be delivered chilled. Decorating/Prize Set Up/Food Drop Off will occur at this time. DJ set up may be done at set up time or at 7:15pm.
Your are responsible for removing all decorations, cleaning kitchen area, washing down tables, assisting with chair and table stacking at end of evening.
The renter is responsible for removing all decorations, all personal items, and take down of tables and chairs by 1:30am.