Learn to Skate
Registration for Learn to Skate is open – registration link and program information located here
There is also time to still register for Aerobics and Tae Kwon Do until September 30.
JH Bruns Parking Passes
JH Bruns Parking Passes are now available to purchase online. Please click below to fill out the form and make payment. Students and staff using the Southdale lot need to have their registration submitted by October 1. After that date, enforcement for parking will occur and vehicles without passes are subject to tow.
Students must attempt to utilize the parking spots in the north lot and overflow only if nothing is available there. Staff and overflow student parking are in the two rows closest to Lakewood Blvd – along the fence and the first double row immediately after across from the school gym entrance. No school parking is allowed at any time in the first two double rows closest to the community centre or along the community centre building (including the row with the hydrant on the curb/pylon area). Vehicles parked outside of the school allotment rows are subject to tow.
Southdale Seniors
Southdale Seniors programming has resumed as of September 9! Check our program page for more information on available classes and purchasing memberships or classes online. NEW this year – different package sizes for classes are available, with an option for a single non-membership drop in class. Our instructors are awesome – come try it out for yourself! Physical Health, Mental Health and Social Health is very important at all ages!
Starting September 23, Bridge will be held on Mondays from 12:30-3:30pm in the hall. Also starting Monday, September 23 is a NEW class hosted by Regina for seniors cardio that involves standing and sitting exercise combined. More information on the program page.
Online Streaming live from Southdale Community Centre. Get 10% off your subscription and support the community centre.
Please use promo code: c4f0-a613
www.livebarn.comIf you’re already a LiveBarn subscriber, be sure your profile reflects our Promo Code. To do this: Sign on. Click Profile. Either ADD or UPDATE c4f0-a613 in the Promotional Code field.
Southdale Laker Administration Fee
$30 Laker Admin Fees are assigned per participant for each registered activity and may be reduced for sports/programming with a minimal registration fee. The Laker Admin Fee is also applicable to participants in amalgamated sport associations or those entering a try out process for elite teams. Laker Admin Fees are used for the maintenance of SRA facilities and are not a direct proceed to the registered activity.
Late Fees
$50 Late Fee is automatically generated for registrations received after the registration period closes. See below for closing dates as they differ between sports and programs. We will not waive late fees.
All fees must be paid within 7 days of the registration period closure. Any fees not paid by this time will result in a late fee being applied. Payment not received within 14 days will result in withdrawal from the activity.
Laker Administration Fees, Late Fees are non-refundable.
Request to cancel a registration within the registration period will result in full refund of the sport/program registration fees.Request to cancel a registration within 14 days of the registration period closure will result in a 75% refund of the sport/program registration fees.
Request to cancel a registration after 14 days post registration period closure or at the commencement of the session will result in no refund
Returned cheques:
All cheques returned by the bank will be subject to a $35.00 fee.
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Events for February
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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
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